Wednesday, December 17, 2008

She's Here!

It's been ages since I posted, but I wanted to let all of you know that our little one, Arden Grace, arrived safe and sound on Tuesday, December 9th.

At my checkup the week after Thanksgiving, without much change, the doctor decided to put me in the hospital on Sunday and start me on servidil to ripen my cervix with plans to induce on Monday morning. Harv and I headed to the hospital, took care of all of the question answering, got on the monitors, and the servidil was started. After a few hours of this, the monitor kept losing the baby's heartbeat. It was still beating, but she seemed to be moving all over the place. The nurse wasn't concerned, but she thought that the heartbeat was a little bit high for the baby to be positioned correctly. She was head down on Thursday at my appointment, so I didn't think too much about it. They did an ultrasound to check her position, and sure enough, the little stinker had flipped and was as head up as can be. Breech.

They pulled the servidil and called my OB who gave me the option of attempting to turn the baby, something that I really didn't want to attempt. I had friends with horror stories of trying to manually turn the baby with both of them ending up having c-sections anyway. I didn't want to cause the baby (or myself) any unnecessary stress. We decided to schedule a c-section for Tuesday morning, thus giving the baby 24-36 hours to turn before the surgery. If she turned, we would go ahead and induce for a natural birth, if not, then we would head to the OR for the surgery.

Headed to the hospital on Tuesday morning and, sure enough, the stubborn little thing had not moved an inch. Into the OR for a C-Section. They rolled me in there at 8:00 am and Arden Grace made her entrance at 8:16, all 8.6 lbs and 20.5 inches of her. She entered the world screaming like a banshee and proceeded to poop on the nurses before they even got all of her vitals checked! Nice way to make a first impression, huh?

Anyway, all went well and I was out of the hospital on Thursday morning. I have been breastfeeding her and while I thoroughly enjoy it, it was hard to get into the routine of things. We worried a little bit about Wyatt's reaction to her, but he loved his sister right away. He's very protective and wants to "hold she" (we're working on the her thing) first thing every morning.

So far, it's been a pretty good transition. Wyatt is starting preschool and I go back to my part time job in a couple of months. We're all adjusting to the new situations as they pop up. I've felt pretty out of touch, as my laptop crapped out and I'm only now getting back online.

Thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers that you guys have sent to us during my pregnancy and Arden's birth. They are so appreciated.